athenaGives - India
Investing in the future of healthcare in India
Amplifying our vision for healthcare accessibility
athenaGives is how we directly pursue our vision of expanding access to high-quality healthcare. With athenaGives – India, we’ve broadened the scope to include partnerships with India-based nonprofits (NGOs). These partners share our focus on making high-quality healthcare more accessible, ensuring food security, and supporting STEM education to help develop the providers and technologists of tomorrow.
The NGO partners bringing our vision to life

India STEM Foundation
India STEM Foundation’s mission is to create a world where young people are encouraged to celebrate the fun and excitement of science and technology and inspire them to take science and technology-based career paths to become tomorrow’s much-needed technology leaders.

India FoodBanking Network
India FoodBanking Network’s vision is to help create a hunger and malnutrition-free India. They aim to achieve this by establishing a strong and efficient network of FoodBanks throughout the country, giving every district access to at least one FoodBank by 2030.

Smile Foundation
The Smile Foundation aims to empower underprivileged children, youth, and women through relevant education, innovative healthcare, and market-focused livelihood programs.

Akshaya Patra
Akshaya Patra’s strives to eliminate classroom hunger by implementing the Mid-Day Meal Programme in Government schools and Government-aided schools. Akshaya Patra aims to counter malnutrition and supports the right to education for children hailing from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. In times of crisis, this organization also rolls out Disaster and Food Relief Efforts in affected communities.