• Health Note + Arkansas Urology

    Urology practice optimizes clinical documentation with AI-powered Health Note

  • AI powered app automates patient intake

    • physician_0.svg30+ physicians in multiple locations
    • location.svgLargest urology practice in Arkansas
    • leaf_0.svg Diverse patient needs from surgery to chronic care

Offices spend hours daily collecting, documenting, and organizing patient information


Health Note automates integrated into athenaClinicals


"Health Note helps our providers and staff see patients more effectively and efficiently."

Scot Davis, CEO, Arkansas Urology


patient visits powered by Health Note in the last 90 days


providers on platform


of patients providing information before seeing provider

Offices spend hours daily collecting, documenting, and organizing patient information

Arkansas Urology, the largest urology practice in the state, has 14 locations. They were finding that their providers and staff were spending lots of time collecting information from patients. This was putting a strain on everyone in the practice.

Patients answer clinical questions, Health Note automates a note and integrates into athenaClinicals

Health Note sends a text message with a link to patients prior to arrival. It asks all of the questions that would be asked during check-in, including license number, insurance card information, and credit card number, but also uniquely asks clinical-grade information with algorithms and discretely integrates it into a patient’s athenaClinicals chart.

Better data collected from more patients, and automated screening and documentation for 100% of patients

Arkansas Urology can now collect 100% of their required information directly from patients prior to seeing providers. The time that patients spend prior to the visit enables greater flexibility during the office visit. Patient charts are now pre-populated, helping staff, physicians, and even MIPS scores. Patients can now easily see their payment options prior to arrival.

Marketplace PartnerIndependent Medical PracticeUrologyPatient Communication

* All metrics provided by Health Note and Arkansas Urology

Please note that as a member of the Marketplace Program, Health Note, Arkansas Urology, and athenahealth are parties to a financial arrangement.

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